These are my posts which are not recipes. I am intrigued with food, from the beginning to the end. The way its produced, the way it is processed and how you can get more out of it.
Farmers of Singapore : Uncle William
There aren’t many farms left is Singapore, but Uncle William’s Quail Farm is one of them! A visit to his farm is a most interesting experience.
New Cod, Old Cod
The “cod” everyone eats in Singapore is not Cod. Its “Chilean Seabass”, and its not a seabass. Learn about this interesting mix up of names here.
The Baby Carrots that are Not
Think you are buying baby carrots in those cut little packs from the supermart? Well, they are not, baby carrots!
This Kelong does not kelong
It seems like a idyllic life out on a Kelong at sea, but it takes a lot of hardwork to deliver good seafood!
Food Lab : Reviving old veggies
Unearthed some old veggies from your fridge? Here is how you perk them up again!